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PUBLICATIONS                                                 DISSEMINATION: books and websites

With their main focus:

107. Ioannidi P.I., Le Pourhiet L., Agard P., et al. EPSL 2021 [Effective rheology of a two-phase subduction shear zone…]
106. Herviou C., Verlaguet A., Agard P., et al. Lithos 2021 [Along dip variations of subduction fluids…]
105. Agard P., Handy M. Elements 2021 [Oceanic subduction dynamics in the Alps]
104. Pajang S., Cubas N., Letouzey J., Le Pourhiet L., Seyedali S.M., Agard P. et al., EPSL 2021 [Seismic hazard of Makran…]
103. Gyomlai T., Agard P. et al. Lithos 2021 [Metasomatism and deformation of block-in-matrix structures in Syros…]
102. Agard P. Earth Science Rev 2021. [Subduction of oceanic lithosphere in the Alps…]
101. Ninkabou D., Agard P. et al., JGR 2021 [Structure of the offshore obducted Oman margin…]
100. Jentzer M., Whitechurch H., Agard P., et al. JAES 2020 [Late Cretaceous calc-alkaline and adakitic magmatism in Sistan…]
99. Lefeuvre B., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2020 [Massive formation of lawsonite in subducted sediments…]
98. Gharibnejad P., Agard P., et al. JAES 2020 [Fossil thermal structure of the southern Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, SW Iran…]
97. Agard P., et al., Earth Science Rev 2020 [Slabitization: how subduction proceeds; accepted]
96. Gilio M.,… Agard P. et al., Lithos 2020 [Fingerprinting and relocating tectonic slices along the plate interface…]
95. Bonnet G., Agard P. et al., Gondwana Research 2020 [Fossil seamount in southeast Zagros…]
94. Rodriguez M.,… Agard, P. et al., J. Asian Earth Sc. 2020 [Successive shifts of the India-Africa transform plate boundary…]
93. Ioannidi P.I., Angiboust S., Oncken O., Agard P. et al., Geosphere 2020 [Deformation along a Fossil Subduction Interface…]
92. Tan Z., Agard P. et al., EPSL 2020 [Concordant pulse in Mn, Y and HREEs concentrations during garnet growth…]
91. Bayet L., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2020 [Tectonic evolution of the Tianshan Akeyasi metamorphic complex…]
90. Epstein G., Bebout G., Angiboust S., Agard P., Lithos 2020 [Scales of Fluid-Rock Interaction and Carbon Mobility…]
89. Locatelli M., Verlaguet A., Agard P. et al., GGG 2019 [Fluid pulses during stepwise brecciation at intermediate subduction…]
88. Bonnet G., Agard P. et al., Geosphere 2019 [Structure and metamorphism of a subducted seamount…]
87. Tan Z., Agard P. et al., Earth Science Rev. 2019 [Architecture and PT-deformation-time evolution of the SW-Tianshan…]
86. Soret M., Agard P. et al., Solid Earth 2019 [Deformation mechanisms in mafic amphibolites and granulites…]
85. Broadwell K.S., Locatelli M., Verlaguet A., Agard P. et al., EPSL 2019 [Transient and periodic brittle deformation of eclogites]
84. Bonnet G., Agard P. et al., Geology 2019 [No large earthquake in fully exposed subducted seamount]
83. Barnes J… and Agard P., Lithos 2019 [Chlorine and lithium behavior in metasedimentary rocks during prograde metamorphism…]
82. Locatelli M., Federico L., Agard P. et al., Journal of Maps 2019 [Geology of the southern Monviso metaophiolite complex]
81. Dubacq B., Soret M., Jewison E., Agard P., Lithos 2019 [Early subduction dynamics recorded by the metamorphic sole…]
80. Locatelli M., Verlaguet A., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2018 [Intermediate-depth brecciation along the subduction plate interface]
79. Agard P., et al. Lithos 2018 [The subduction plate interface: rock record and mechanical coupling…]
78. Prigent C., Agard P. et al., J. Petrology 2018 [Mantle wedge (de)formation during subduction infancy…]
77. Prigent C., Guillot S., Agard P., Ildefonse B., JGR 2018 [Fluid‐assisted deformation and strain localization in the cooling mantle]

76. Bonnet G., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2018 [Tectonic slicing and mixing processes along the subduction interface…]
75. Bayet L., John T., Agard P. et al., Geology 2018 [Massive sediment accretion at ~80 km depth along the subduction interface…]
74. Vitale-Brovarone A., Agard P. et al., Earth Science Rev. 2018 [Tectonometamorphic architecture of the HP belt, N. Caledonia]
73. Prigent C., Guillot S., Agard P. et al., EPSL 2018 [Transfer of subduction fluids into the deforming mantle wedge…]
72. Bebout, GE., Scholl D.W., Stern R., Wallace L.M., Agard P., GSA Today 2018 [Twenty Years of Subduction Zone Science]
71. Soret M., Agard P. et al., J. Metam. Geol. 2017 [Petrological evidence for stepwise accretion of metamorphic soles…]
70. Jentzer, M., M. Fournier, P Agard P. et al., Tectonics 2017 [Neogene to Present paleostress field in Eastern Iran…]
69. Tan Z., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2017 [P–T–time-isotopic evolution of coesite-bearing eclogites…]
68. Plunder A., Agard P. et al., Terra Nova 2016 [Metamorphic sole formation, emplacement and blueschist-facies overprint…]
67. Agard P., et al. EPSL 2016 [Plate interface rheological switches during subduction infancy…]
66. Angiboust S., Agard P. et al., EPSL 2016 [Zagros blueschists: Episodic underplating and long-lived cooling of a subduction zone]
65. Jolivet L., Faccenna C., Agard P. et al., Can. J. Earth Sc. 2016 [Neo-Tethys geodynamics and mantle convection…]
64. Soret M., P., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2015 [Strain localization and fluid infiltration in the mantle wedge during subduction initiation]
63. Ruh J.B., Le Pourhiet L., Agard P. et al., GGG 2015 [Tectonic slicing of subducting oceanic crust along plate interfaces]
62. Collins N.C., Bebout G.E., Angiboust S., Agard P. et al., Chem. Geol. 2015 [Subduction Zone Metamorphic Pathway, II…]
61. Plunder A., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2015 [Accretion, underplating and exhumation along a subduction interface]
60. Duretz T., Agard P. et al., Gondwana Research 2015 [Thermo-mechanical modeling of the obduction process…]
59. Guillot S., Schwartz S., Reynard B., Agard P., Prigent C., Tectonophysics 2015 [Tectonic significance of serpentinites]
58. François T., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2014 [Cenozoic exhumation of the internal Zagros: constraints from low-T thermochronology]

57. Cook-Kollars J., Bebout G.E., Collins N.C., Angiboust S., Agard P., Chem. Geol. 2014 [Subduction Zone Metamorphic Pathway]
56. Burov E., Francois T., Agard P. et al., Tectonophysics 2014 [Rheological and geodynamic controls…]
55. François T., Burov E., Agard P., Meyer B., GGG 2014 [Buildup of a dynamically supported orogenic plateau…]
54. Agard P., et al. EPSL 2014 [Obduction: why, how and where. Clues from analog models]
53. Plunder A., Agard P. et al., Tectonophysics 2013 [Geodynamics from the Tavsanli zone, western Turkey]
52. Whitechurch H., Omrani J., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2013 [Evidence for Paleocene-Eocene evolution of the Eurasian margin…]
51. Agard P., Vitale-Brovarone A., Tectonophysics 2013 [Thermal regime of continental subduction…]
50. Vitale-Brovarone A., Agard P., Contrib. Min. Petr. 2013 [True metamorphic isograds or tectonically sliced metamorphic sequence]
49. Le Pourhiet L.,… Agard P., et al., Solid Earth 2013 [Strain localisation in mechanically layered rocks beneath detachment zones]
48. Bebout G., Agard P. et al., Chem. Geol. 2013 [Devolatilization history and trace element mobility in deeply subducted…]
47. Angiboust S., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2013 [Insights on deep, accretionary subduction processes from the Sistan…]
46. François T., Burov E., Meyer B., Agard P., Tectonophysics 2012 [Surface topography as key constraint on stable cratons…]
45. Angiboust S., Wolf S., Burov E., Agard P., Yamato P., EPSL 2012 [Effect of fluid circulation on subduction interface…]
44. Angiboust S., Agard P. et al., Geology 2012 [Eclogite breccias in a subducted ophiolite record intermediate-depth earthquakes?]
43. Plunder A., Agard P. et al., J. Metam. Geol. 2012 [How continuous and precise is the record of P-T paths?]
42. Angiboust S., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2011 [Subduction interface processes recorded by eclogite-facies shear zones…]
41. Agard P., et al., Geol. Magazine 2011 [Zagros orogeny: a subduction-dominated process]
40. Angiboust S., Langdon R., Agard P. et al., J. Metam. Geol. 2011 [Multi-approach thermobarometry for eclogitization…]
39. Agard P., Augier R., Monié P, J. Struct. Geol 2010 [Shear band formation and strain localization on a regional-scale…]
38. Angiboust S. &Agard P., Lithos 2010 [Initial water budget: the key to detaching large volumes of eclogitized oceanic crust….]
37. Agard P., et al., Tectonics 2010 [Crustal stacking and expulsion tectonics during continental subduction…]
36. Jolivet L., Labrousse L., Agard P. et al., Tectonophysics 2010 [Rifting and shallow-dipping detachments…]
35. Jolivet L.,… Agard P., Ghorbal B., Tectonophysics 2010 [Along-strike variations of P-T conditions in accretionary wedges…]
34. Monié P. & Agard P., GGG 2009 [Coeval blueschist exhumation along thousands of km…]
33. Agard P., Yamato P., Jolivet L., Burov E., Earth Science Rev 2009 [Exhumation of oceanic blueschists and eclogites…
32. Gabalda S., Beyssac O., Jolivet L., Agard P., Chopin C., Terra Nova 2009 [Thermal structure of a fossil subduction wedge]
31. Guillot S., Hattori K., Agard P. et al., Front. Earth Sc. 2009 [Exhumation Processes in Oceanic and Continental Subduction…]
30. Angiboust S., Agard P. et al., Terra Nova 2009 [The Zermatt-Saas ophiolite : the largest and deepest continuous slice…]
29. Omrani J., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2020 [Reply to : Comment by Aftabi and Atapour on ‘Arc magmatism…’]
28. Fournier M., Agard P., Petit C., Bull. SGF 2008 [Tectonic evolution of the Barles half-window from microstructural analysis…]
27. Jolivet L.,… Agard P. et al. Bull. SGF 2008 [Subduction, convergence and the mode of backarc extension in the Mediterranean…]
26. Labrousse L., Elvevold S., Lepvrier C., Agard P., Tectonics 2008 [Structural analysis of HP metamorphic rocks of Svalbard…]
25. Omrani J., Agard P. et al., Lithos 2008 [Arc-magmatism and subduction history beneath Zagros…]
24. Yamato P., Burov E., Agard P. et al., EPSL 2008 [HP-UHP exhumation during slow continental subduction…]
23. Yamato P., Agard P. et al., 2007, J. Metam. Geol. 2007 [New, high-precision P-T estimates for Oman blueschists…]
22. Agard P., et al. EPSL 2007 [Plate acceleration : the obduction trigger?]
21. Yamato P., Agard P. et al., JGR 2007 [Burial and exhumation in a subduction wedge…]
20. Negro F., Agard P. et al., J. Geol. Soc. London 2007 [Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Temsamane (Rif, Morocco)]
19. De Andrade V.,… Agard P., J. Metam. Geol. 2006 [Quantification of electron microprobe compositional maps of rock thin sections]
18. Meyer B., Mouthereau F., Lacombe O., Agard P., GJI 2006 [Evidence for Quaternary activity along the Deshir Fault…]
17. Agard P., et al., JGR 2006 [Transient, synobduction exhumation of Zagros blueschists inferred from P-T, deformation, time…]
16. Augier R., Agard P. et al., J. Metam. Geol. 2005 [P-T-D-t retrograde evolution of the Nevado-Filabride complex (SE Spain)…]
15. Agard P., Labrousse, L., Elvevold S., Lepvrier C., Geology 2005 [Discovery of Palaeozoic Fe-Mg carpholite…]
14. Augier R., Booth-Rea G., Agard P. et al., Bull. SGF 2005 [Exhumation constraints for the lower Nevado-Filabride Complex…]
13. Agard P., et al., Int. J. Earth Sci 2005 [Convergence history across Zagros (Iran)…]
12. Labrousse L.,… Agard P. et al., Geol. Soc. Am. Sp. Paper 2004 [P-T–Time-Deformation history of the exhumation…, Norway]
11. Famin V., P. Philippot, L. Jolivet &P. Agard, Tectonics 2004 [Evolution of hydrothermal regime along a crustal shear zone, Tinos]
10. Jolivet L, Faccenna C., Goffé B., Burov. E. & Agard P., Am. J. Sci 2003 [Subduction tectonics and exhumation]
9. Gueydan F., Leroy Y., Jolivet L & Agard P., JGR 2003 [Continental mid-crustal shear zones induced by reaction softening…]
8. Agard P., et al., Terra Nova 2003 [Post-nappe extension in the inner Western Alps (Liguro-Piemontese Schistes Lustrés)…]
7. Labrousse L, Jolivet L, Agard P. et al., Terra Nova 2002 [Partial melting during exhumation of UHP eclogites (WGR, Norway)
6. Parra T., Vidal O., Agard P., Contrib. Min. Petr. 2002 [A thermodynamic model for Fe-Mg dioctahedral K-white micas…]
5. Agard P., Monié P., Goffé B. & Jolivet L., J. Metam. Geol. 2002 [In situ laser probe 40Ar/39Ar constraints on the exhumation…]
4. Agard P., Jolivet L., Goffé B., Bull. SGF 2001 [The Schistes lustrés complex : a key for understanding the exhumation…]
3. Agard P., Vidal O., Goffé B., J. Metam. Geol. 2001 [Interlayer and Si content of phengite in HP-LT carpholite-bearing metapelites]

2. Agard P., Goffé B., Touret J., Vidal O., Contrib. Min. Petr. 2000 [Retrograde fluid evolution in blueschist-facies metapelites…]
1. Agard P., et al., Eur. J. Min. 1999 [TEM evidence for HT (300°C) smectite in a multistage clay-mineral pseudomorph…]


2003 — Agard P. Lemoine M., Visage des Alpes : Structure et évolution géodynamique, CCGM-CGMW, 50 p.
2005 — Agard P. Lemoine M., Faces of the Alps : Structural and geodynamic evolution, , CCGM-CGMW, 50 p.

2006 — Agard P., Jolivet L.. Géomanips: Les Alpes, une belle synthèse

2011   — Beaux J.F., Fogelsang J.F., Agard P., Boutin V., Atlas de Géologie-Pétrologie, Dunod, 176 p.

2017  ZIP (Subduction zone) and ENVEXX (Climate change) exhibitions

2020 — Agard P., Plunder A., Subduction et obduction: le destin de la lithosphère vu à travers ses reliques, 18 p.

2021  — Agard P., Obduction: l’ophiolite d’Oman portée aux nues, Géochronique, 13 p.

2021  — Agard P., Ophiolites, sutures ophiolitiques, subduction / obduction, Planet Terre (ENS  Lyon)

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